Keep these 10 things away from the bedroom.

In the busy life of every day, there is a daily struggle for survival. The struggle for survival continues. We constantly run after money because we know and believe that money is a major factor in the peace of life. Because if the lack of money is reduced then a large part of the worry is reduced. For this, after being immersed in work all day, looking for temporary peace while wandering somewhere. Sometimes on the way back from the office hanging out with friends in a club or sometimes crowding a well-known tea shop.

Finally, come back to your home. Our own home is the ultimate place of rest after a long day. Whether it is a five-story house or a two-room terraced house, one’s own home is one’s haven of peace. But have you ever wondered how the house itself should be decorated? We try to keep the outside tidy, but how exactly should you keep a messy house or better yet your bedroom? This bedroom of yours always holds a lot of importance behind your peace of mind. Today’s 10 tips are for you on what not to do so that your bedroom does not hurt your life.

Don’t bring the office home:
After working all day in the office, we come home for peace. Come to our house to relax a little from work. But whether it’s to spend time with yourself or your spouse, it’s best not to let the pressures of office work come into the bedroom. With office work papers or files in front, intimate or hidden, no moment will be peaceful for you.

Do not accumulate unnecessary things:
Keep your bedroom as simple as possible. Don’t clutter the room with unnecessary extra furniture. Don’t keep piles of clothes or piles of books on the bed. Remember there is a wardrobe or bookshelf for these.

No electronic gadgets:
Try to keep electronic gadgets out of the bedroom. It may sound ridiculous but it is true. Because we know how much these gadgets waste our time these days. We don’t remember that our own time and space are decreasing while we are always on the phone. So try not to take away the mobile phone at the end of the day.

Keep these dishes outside the house:
Many times we open home delivery food packets and bring them to Alsemi’s bedroom and eat them. Or sometimes drink tea or coffee and leave that cup there. It is unhealthy and unattractive. After the meal leave the plate or cup or packet outside in the kitchen.

Say no to TV:
In the bedroom, if you are single, maybe the TV will help you pass the time for a while. But when you are married, you never want mechanical entertainment to spoil your intimate moments. Also many times we keep the TV on on the pretext of not being able to sleep. This nature changes our sleeping habits in many ways.

Keep pets outside:
Many will put their fingers in their ears or laugh when they hear this. Many will say that my pet cannot sleep without me. But it is empirically true. Your daily routine and your pet’s daily routine are not the same. You certainly don’t want your sleep to be interrupted after a tiring day by your pet’s calls or walks in the middle of the night.

Additional artificial lighting:
Try not to put too much light. Remember that it is important to have a distinction between your drawing room and bedroom. Be careful not to let the extra light disturb your peace.

Do not keep cactus:
According to Vastushastra, it is said that do not keep cactus or any other thorny plant in the bedroom. Because according to Vastu it disturbs the peace of relationship. Use other flowers or bonsai or orchids to decorate the house.

Say no to broken glass:
According to Vastu, broken glass is a symbol of a broken relationship. So trust or not, it is better not to keep a broken glass or broken throne for the sake of your relationship.

No smoking/alcohol in the bedroom:
Whether you’re married or single, with a partner or not, it’s best not to bring your drinking habits into the bedroom. Our subconscious minds always turn to those addictions for the comfort of our excess dopamine. You may like this habit but your partner may not like it.

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