Nature’s wonder Marula tree, the secret of youth retention.

Human beauty does not last forever. Beauty is lost with age. Besides, various problems increase with age. But many of us don’t know. With a little care, our skin and body will always have a healthy feeling. Not only that, you will also get rid of these problems.

Today I will tell you about a miracle tree in Africa, which is called a wonder of nature. This marula tree continues to play an important role in the lives of people in Africa. Not only does this tree but its bark and leaves also have numerous medicinal properties. Jam, juice, and even cosmetics are being made with its fruit. Merula trees maintain the ecosystem of the environment by providing food and shelter to various animals including birds and elephants.

In Africa, the relationship between the elephant and the marula tree is very old. Rich in nutrients, the Merula fruit is a favorite of elephants, becoming one of the staple foods of elephants during the dry season. Elephants play a direct role in the propagation of the Merula tree by dispersing its seeds. In addition, elephants always eat the long stems of trees, resulting in the growth of leaves and branches in the lower part of the tree. A unique example of interdependent survival is the elephant and the Merula tree. The spiritual role of this tree is also mentioned in African myths.

Merula fruit is called the miracle fruit of Africa. Marula oil is made from this fruit, which contains amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants. So it is very effective in skin and hair care. Merula oil moisturizes the skin, removes wrinkles, restores youth, and makes hair soft and silky.

Here are some words about the quality and usage of Marula oil. Merula oil is a great natural moisturizer. It is full of antioxidants and vitamin E. Hence Merula oil nourishes the skin and helps in quick repair. Merula oil is light and has a non-greasy texture. So it can be used on all skins.

Using Merula oil is not very complicated. Apply a few drops of marula oil daily to the face, neck, hands, and wherever extra moisturizer is needed for youthful, glowing, and healthy skin. Applying 1/2 drop of marula oil under the eyes will give good results to remove dark circles and wrinkles. For hair, you can rub a few drops of Merula oil on the palm of your hand and use it on clean and wet hair.

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