What to eat for breakfast in winter morning to stay healthy.

Roughness appears on the skin of the body at the beginning of winter. Along with that, the change in weather means cold, cough, and fever for many people. Therefore, various nutrients are necessary to stay healthy in winter. By eating the body will be healthy and fresh. Many fresh vegetables are available in the market at this time. But breakfast is very important among the meals of the day. At this time, you can keep variety in the breakfast. Vegetables and fruits can be kept on this list.

Many suffer from the problem of cold from the beginning of winter. They need to be careful at the beginning of winter. There is no need to change anything in the daily diet. But it is better not to eat cold food. If you can have a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night then it is very good.

Besides, many people use honey, basil leaves, pepper, and garlic to avoid cold. But everything should be done by understanding the body. Let’s know what to eat for breakfast to keep the body healthy in winter.

Tea – Green tea, tulsi tea, or ginger tea are beneficial on winter mornings. As it removes fatigue, the body also stays fresh.

Bread – Red flour bread contains fiber and B vitamins. Fiber relieves constipation and warms the body. Vitamin B keeps the body warm.

Everyone loves to eat eggs. Either boiled or poached, this protein-rich food is eaten daily for breakfast. Apart from protein, eggs contain vitamin E, calcium, and omega-3.

Mixed Vegetables- Mixed vegetables contain almost all types of vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can fight various diseases. Its combination also helps to bring back the beauty of the skin.

Soup – Eat soup at some point during the winter days, if not every morning. In addition to increasing energy in the body, it removes cold and maintains the beauty of the skin. Also like to eat hot soup in winter.

Seasonal Fruits – Must include seasonal fruits in your daily diet. People who have constipation problems can eat bananas.

Honey – There is no substitute for honey in winter. Apart from reducing sore throat, honey removes cold. Also honey keeps the body high.

Milk- Must include milk in your daily diet. The protein contained in milk is beneficial for the body.

Cornflakes – Eat cornflakes mid-morning for breakfast. You can mix fruit in it and eat it.

Brown Bread- Brown bread is more beneficial than white bread. So forget white bread and eat brown bread.

Oats- Eating oats is very good for the body. Oats can be eaten in many ways. You can eat it with milk, khichuri as you like.

Butter- Must eat butter in the morning for breakfast. You can eat lightly toasted with butter.

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