How to get rid of neck pain.

Almost everyone suffers from neck pain at some point in their life. Any number of reasons neck pain can be caused. The main cause of pain in young people is musculoskeletal pain. If one suffers a neck injury due to an accident or sleeps in an abnormal position or lifts something heavy, neck pain can occur.

Small children can also suffer from this pain. In most cases, children suffer from this pain due to carrying their school bags. Usually, children carry loads of books while going to school. This causes pain in their neck. Even the spine is damaged due to this.

Neck pain is most common in people over the age of 40. It is from this age that the bones of the spine usually start to wear down first. Later, the calcium accumulates and the bones grow like spines. The name of this problem is spondylosis. This results in pressure on the nerve pathways. Nerve blood circulation is reduced. It also causes severe nerve damage. Nerves are also stressed. As a result, the nerve cord is also damaged.

As a result of this disease, the patient suffers from neck pain. The pain gradually goes away. As a result, hands and feet tingle. Sometimes hands and feet become paralyzed. If the disease is very old, the patient may develop paralysis of the arms and legs. Urinary obstruction may occur. The patient often loses the ability to hold urine. Because of this, sexual intercourse may cause problems.

So be careful before the disease occurs. Many people fall asleep in the car. A cervical collar must be worn around the neck in case of falling asleep while traveling in a car. Sleep on low pillows and firm beds. Regular neck exercises should be done. Sleeping on the side should not be done at all. Do not carry heavy objects on the neck. More important causes of neck pain are cervical disc prolapse, spinal TB, and Spinal Fracture.

Cervical disc prolapse should be diagnosed by MRI of the cervical spine, and x-ray of the cervical spine. The initial treatment for neck pain is wearing a neck collar and taking pain medication on a full stomach. Medicines which can be taken on doctor’s advice are- Tab. Naprosyn 500 mg, (1+0+1) 15 days. Have to eat more with this Cap. Seclo 20 mg (1+0+1) 30 days and Tab, Myonil (1+0+1) 30 days. Physiotherapy treatment should be taken at the same time. Only then it is possible to get rid of this disease.

Neck surgery called ACDF may be required if the disease does not get relief for any reason after taking medicine. This operation is performed microscopic ACDF by experienced doctors in public and private hospitals and clinics of the country including Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. In most cases, the patient can recover and lead a normal life with this treatment.

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