What position is best for health to sleep for a full night’s rest?

Some people prefer to sleep on their sides at night, while others prefer to lie awake
Why are you sleeping? But for a full night’s rest, sleep in any position is for health
The best?

Chances are if you live somewhere hit by a recent heat wave
You’ve had a lot of sleepless nights too, and you’re just tossing and turning in bed

But what position in bed is most comfortable for your body?
What does the scientific evidence say about being healthy?
From container ship sailors to factory welders in Nigeria
What position does everyone sleep at night – if there is any research on that, maybe it is in our work
would come
Although sleep is very important for us, it is surprising that
There has been no large-scale research on it so far.
First of all, it is necessary to know in which position people sleep. The easy way is
Ask them that.

But the problem is, we can only remember in which posture before falling asleep
We slept, and what was our posture when we woke up.
To learn more about this topic, researchers are using a variety of techniques, including:
These include video recording of sleeping people or various devices on their bodies
Interval sleep movement by wearing.
Hong Kong researchers, in their words, “Blanket Accommodative Sleep Posture Classification
system”, which uses infrared cameras
The body posture of a person lying under a thick blanket is known.
Researchers in Denmark tested volunteers on their thighs, backs before going to sleep
They use small motion-sensor detectors on the upper side and upper arms
Trying to learn about preferred sleeping positions.

They found that people passed out more than half the time while asleep in bed
Back sleepers, about 38% sleep on their backs and 7% sleep on their backs.
As people get older, they spend more time sleeping on their sides.
This bias towards side sleeping is something that comes with age
evolves with
That’s because babies over three years of age sleep on their sides, curled up, and on their backs
The average spends the same amount of time.
On the other hand, children under three years of age mainly sleep on their stomachs, for safety reasons
This is how they are laid on the bed.

So, most people sleep on their side and some people sleep in any position
We can pretty much rely on the general opinion.
But what does the data say about it?
A very small cohort study suggests that people who sleep on their right side
Their sleep quality is slightly better than those who sleep on their left side. Then there are those who
They sleep soundly.
If it’s easier for you to sleep on your side then other people around you should
Trying, that’s probably good for them too.

Once I was inside a submarine while making a radio report for the BBC
I entered
The submariners showed me their sleeping quarters, where the bunks lay
One was placed so close to the other that it was very difficult to sleep on one’s side
This means, they always had to lie down and sleep.
Then they told me, they tried to sniff the whole cabin
Enter the cabin and sleep peacefully before admission.

Another small study on container ship sailors found that noses
Breathing problems such as wheezing are more common when sailors lie flat on their backs
lie down and sleep
Some serious snoring problems are caused by ‘obstructive sleep apnea’, where
Breathing in sleep is once off, once on.

It is more common in people who regularly sleep awake.
On the other hand, sleeping on your side leaves no obstruction at the top of your airway.
The uvula (the layer of flesh at the back of the palate inside your mouth) and your tongue
It does not create any obstruction in the airways, thus reducing snoring.
In fact, in some cases, sleeping on your side instead of lying down is sleep apnea
The problem is seen to go away completely.

Sleeping on your side has other benefits as well.
For example, a study looked at the sleep patterns of container ship welders in Nigeria
Also, those who sleep on their backs are more likely to suffer from back pain than those who sleep on their sides.

compared to those who sleep.
But that doesn’t mean that side sleeping works equally well for everyone
Or all the pains of the body will go away.
It depends on how severe your illness is and what position you sleep in
Feel comfortable on it.

Researchers in Western Australia automated volunteers’ bedrooms for 12 hours a night
Tried using the camera, people woke up with neck pain
In fact, they all slept on their sides most of the time.
The researchers named it ‘provocative side sleeping positions’.

Although the name sounds serious, it simply means, in this case, you don’t bend over backwards
He slept for a long time.
For example, one of your thighs crossed over the other thigh, resulting in a long time
Your spine was twisted and bent.
In contrast, people who sleep on a side but side-by-side are known to have less neck pain.
However, this study did not confirm that turning back is ‘provocative’.
People who have neck pain because of sleeping position, or because of neck pain
They used to sleep in the posture, because it gave them more comfort.
So, what if you had people sleep in a new position and then
Tested to see if the new sleeping position reduced their neck pain?
Back pain in a study of elderly people who participated in a Portuguese fitness program
Instruct patients to turn on their sides and those with neck pain to lie awake
was given After four weeks, 90% of participants reported that their pain was reduced

Although this result seems quite interesting, there is a problem.
Only 20 people participated in the study. As a research sample, this is very small.
So based on this it is not possible to draw the conclusion that the position of sleep is small
It is possible to relieve back or neck pain by changing.
It needs more scientific research.

However, there is more to a problem with the body than lying down or lying down
Which side do you sleep on?
During acid reflux, the gastric juices in your stomach rise up from the stomach
comes, resulting in severe burning sensation in the chest.
Doctors sometimes prescribe roe-kee pillows to relieve such heartburn
It is not recommended to sleep with the head slightly elevated.

If such heartburn occurs repeatedly, it is called ‘gastro-esophageal reflux disease’.
The consequences can be fatal.
Why this disease occurs is not completely clear. However, one possible explanation is that on the left side
When lying back, the junction between the stomach and esophagus is above the level of gastric acid

And sleeping on the right side relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, which
The acid escapes through the gap.
But whatever the answer, if you suffer from heartburn, turn to the left side
You can try to sleep.

So far I’ve focused on sleeping on my side or side, because
Most people sleep like this. But what about those people, though small in number
Sleeps on your side?
In this regard, a study can be mentioned at the outset where it is suggested that
It’s best not to sleep like this if you suffer from jaw pain, which is very likely
Not surprising.

And what about facial wrinkles? If you sleep with your face on the pillow
Are wrinkles worse?
In an article written in ‘Esthetic Surgery Journal Lerna’, a group of plastic surgeons suggested, rather
To put it somewhat bluntly, your facial skin will be best taken care of with this
Treated like seaweed, where the algae is marine with a stalk
Will sway with the waves.
So, keep the pressure on your face very low while sleeping and lie down
Avoid thinking about sleeping. And facial skin care if you have good sleep or
Even more important than the pain and acid reflux is the thought of sleeping on your side
Not ideal mustard solution.

So what can we conclude from these studies? First, of everything else
Sleeping on the back seems to be more beneficial.
But the exact position you sleep in has an impact on your neck and back pain
can read And the position you sleep in can make your acid reflux worse
can decrease Snoring can worsen if you sleep rough.
But as humans we are all different, so is your most comfortable sleeping position
It may not be easy to find.

You can try sleeping in a new position and if you don’t sleep well at night, write it in the diary
Need to write down.
Finally, remember, don’t worry too much about sleeping in different positions. because,
This anxiety may lead to more sleepless nights.

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