A few words about burnout disease.

Burnout. The World Health Organization recognized it as a separate disease in 2022. a time
Doctors believed that burnout was a combination of psychological symptoms, high workload at work
If there is it can be.

But doctors now know there are other causes of burnout. For example, Vet Nessa Oster hold’s.
Vanessa Ja Nunn, ‘One of the reasons for my burnout is that some of my family members are mentally ill
are there That’s why I have to play the role of facilitator most of the time. Besides, I am a lot
Perfectionist. I was very unhappy with my job. I always felt that I was on my own in the world of work
Couldn’t find the right place. That’s why I took many trainings, changed many jobs.

Psychotherapist Miriam Price sees many burnout patients. He also says that there are many reasons for burnout
may have

“Ultimately, burnout is more than just a physical symptom of emotional exhaustion,” says psychotherapist Miriam Price

something It is associated with depression. For a long time, burnout was not considered a disease. It was thought
It is a combination of several psychological symptoms.’
The World Health Organization recognized burnout as a disease in 2022—but only because of many work stressors

People involved in management and people working in the social work or service sector are more at risk.
Vanessa was regularly overworked while on the job. When exactly do people reach burnout?
Psychologists have been discussing this for a long time.
Psychotherapist Price says, “Those who are victims hang a curtain from the beginning. only
Not outside, but inside too. This means, they ignore the first warning signal. The problem is who
Victims work more than they can, but don’t let anyone understand. In doing so they
At some point go to the stage of burnout

But Vanessa decided to go to the doctor – the right thing to do.
“You can choose one of several ways,” Price said. Can be outpatient, also to take therapy
can Sometimes it’s necessary to be inpatient… where you find your way back to yourself
If you can, you can protect yourself from the environment where you can get tired again.
The doctor sent Vanessa to a clinic, where she recovered mentally and physically
can Doctors there have talked a lot about the causes of burnout.
Miriam Price says, ‘Being aware of how you’ve reached the burnout stage is a release
is available Instead of blaming yourself, it is important to show interest in your situation. Ask yourself
Should—hey, what’s going on here?”

After treatment at the clinic, Vanessa returned to her hometown. There he regularly attended group therapy.
Where you talk to others about different things.
Vanessa, 32, openly shares her story on social media. he
Says, ‘I talk about my daily life there, especially during burnout. As a result
Other victims feel they are not alone. Besides, it also creates awareness about burnout.
Vanessa says it would be nice to avoid burnout… but what really matters in life,
Burnout showed him that.

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